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and past episodes. Flash Player is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Try a
different browser like Safari. Or jaunt on over to iTunes to find the show there.
Knitting Pipeline is a Craftsy Affiliate. Craftsy offers
affordable online classes and supplies. When you use the link in the sidebar on
my blog before purchasing I receive a small percentage of your purchase at no
extra cost to you. Thank you!

Quince & Co brings you American wool and other responsibly
sourced fibers. We have new colors of our tonal DK weight, Phoebe. Perseus,
Orion, Ursa, Andromeda,and Cygnus. Find us at Quince and Co dot com.
Knitcircus Yarns
specializes in hand-dyed gradients and gradient stripes. Knitcircus is the proud sponsor of the first
annual "shop hop" to celebrate our local fiber shops in Madison WI! Join us October
6-8 for a fun weekend of shopping, classes, trunk shows and more! Find us at
and be sure to join our Ravelry group and listen to our podcast.
You can also find me here:
August Drawing for KnitCircus
Parasol, wool and silk blend in La Vie En Rose!
Winner #53 Vicki from TN who
is ThistleridgeFarm on Ravelry
I love listening to
Jaala and Amy’s podcast. They’re so much fun. Gradient yarns are awesome, too.
Congratulations, Vicki!
Gloves KAL…official start is September 1, 2017
Nature Notes
Debunking Nature
Tracks and Trails Forest Park Nature Center
Myth: Birds will abandon their babies if you touch them.
Most song birds do not have great sense of
smell. Their goal is procreation so they will do anything to accomplish that.
Baby birds—ok to put them back into the nest. If
you can’t reach nest then you can make a substitute nest and place it nearby.
If you find a fledgling…leave it alone.
Fledglings have eyes open, are covered in feathers, and are often hopping on
the ground. Parents are probably nearby.
Do you have any nature myths to share?
Needle Notes
it all to Stitches. Finished 4 Mother
sewed one together.
If using Mattress Stitch, don’t worry about color of thread
because it doesn’t show.
Identify groups of tails that will not be used for stitching. Knot
these together and trim. Leave inside bear.
Quince & Co Finch in Stream colorway
Product Notes and
by Norah Gaughn. Published by Quince & Co
Emelyn Mae
Shawl by Jennifer Lassonde
Knit Cahoots: 16 Knits Inspired by the Road by
Megan Williams and Cori Eichelberger
Knit Cahoots Ravelry link
Have a great week, haste ye back and hold your knitting
Safe travels to your family in North Carolina. Enjoy every day as you savor the miracle of new life! Congratulations!
voodoo love spell specialist It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!
I was a HIV-AIDS patient and I got it from cheating on my wife. It was sort of a payback but a week later I was told by a friend that the person who I cheated with had the HIV-AIDS virus and did not tell me. I was so stupid by not using a condom I thought since he was an old school friend he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. I cried and cried. Two days later, I got a phone call from my friend and he told me about a person who is known by another friend, who can help me. I could not let my wife know what I was going through. I finally got his email address: and I emailed this man my story and he replied me immediately saying i should be calm and told me that everything will be OK. I could not come to terms with what I was hearing but then I concluded it did not matter because I was so broken I just needed help. I was going out of my mind literally. I was confused with what he was telling me, but I listened. He told me about some materials i need to buy that he needed to cast the spell and I said OK. I bought the materials to him, I sent down my picture to him and my positive result sheet and he replied me that i am going to be negative under 3days. I message Him every 2hours for 2day and I knew he thought that I was crazy but I did care I needed a shoulder. Behold, the third day he messaged me i should go for a test that i will be negative. My marriage could be broken because of a stupid mistake and my life was on the line. I remembered when I was going to get the results of my re-test I called him up again and told him that I was going to get my results today and his reply was “so" and that everything will be as he explained. I knew then that he was getting tired of me calling him, maybe I was wrong. Well I got my results and the first person I called was him - again. As he said hello I started to cry and cry. I could not believe it. I was given a second chance in life.This man is a great spiritual HIV/AIDS healer, his healing spell on aids healing is very powerful .please brothers and sister, contact Dr Ose
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