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This episode is sponsored by my Longaberger Home Business
and Quince & Co. The folks at Quince
& Co produce a line of thoughtfully conceived yarns in an historic spinnery
in the state of Maine. The wool comes
from Merino, Rambouillet, and Columbia sheep raised west of the Mississippi
River. You will find that Quince &
Co 100% wool is a living fiber, beautiful, practical, sustainable, and
affordable. Find them at
You can find my Longaberger Home Business at If you wish to be on my email preferred
customer list, please send me an email at
with your name, mailing address, and phone.
Pipeliner Notes
Last week I talked about the word eponymous and that I can
never remember the definition. I don’t
think I will ever forget it now.
Other words in the “can’t remember category” submitted by
Pipeliners: metaphysical, homonym, prosaic, arcane, bemused, and hegemony.
of most looked up words at Merriam Webster’s Dictionary.

Knitting Pipeline
Retreat April 26-27, 2013 with
optional loosely structured day on April 25th. Signups will be announced in January 2013.
Nature Notes
We still have not
had snow here in Central Il. The last
snowfall was in early March 2012.
Needle Notes
New contributions from Mariaeb, Stitchmistress, JaneSezKnit,
KathyG, nanaelliott, shanalines, TheaMidnight, Pergola, Traci/4girls, Patfrag,
Kissknits, Gumbygoogoo, PMack17, Auntea, CBaaknits, Texasmidwife,
QuiltnKnitnut, fivepointedstar, Madmum, and Betsy/enw001. That’s 25 Pipeliners so far. Thank you!
Lovely little skeins from a Pipeliner. |
You can still send scraps of sock yarn to me for my KKB.
Knitting Pipeline, Box 549 Washington IL 61571
Progress Report. Started Nov 13 so after 4 weeks I have 65
This week joined TheaMidnight and Madmum. Thank you again,
Friends. This is so much fun.
Andy’s Sweater.
Started on Dec 1, 2012 Saturday. Ready to join sleeves to body.
Myth or Truth
Is it necessary to read through the whole pattern before
knitting? In our opinion this is a
myth. Just read ahead a little bit to
catch any pesky “at the same times”.
Bronwyn and I agree that we have a good idea of the basic construction
of a design before we even purchase the pattern. If we had to read through the whole pattern
then why would we jump on board with Mystery KALs?
Come into the
Blethering Room for a Bit
Handmade Christmas 2012
Vanilla Extract recipe from Denise, one of our Pipeliners. Post is here.
I bought 1# extract grade Madagascar Bourbon Planifolia vanilla beans from
The recipe that came with it is as follows:
Vanilla Extract recipe from Denise, one of our Pipeliners. Post is here.
I bought 1# extract grade Madagascar Bourbon Planifolia vanilla beans from
The recipe that came with it is as follows:
- Use 1/4 pound for every quart of extract
- Chop beans into 1/2 inch pieces. Slicing is ok, but it is a waste of time
- Use inexpensive name band Vodka, 70 to 90 proof Shake daily for one month.
Beaded Bracelets. Pattern by Betsy Hershberger |
Ladder Necklace sent to us by QuiltNknitnut aka Jo |
High Note
Paula: You Tube Tutorials
Thank you to show sponsor Quince & Co and my Longaberger
Home Business.
Have a great week.
Haste ye back and Hold your knitting close.
Thanks for the great episode, Paula and Bronwyn!
Bronwyn, I was very intrigued by the idea of making your own vanilla extract!
We haven't had pomegranates for a long time, but with you talking about them in the last two episodes, we decided to buy some again. They are so delicious and a fun snack! My brother actually asked us to buy one just for him!
Paula, we're sending you some walnuts! We want to be in on your KKB!
I'm planning on joining the Ellison Bay KAL!
Yay!!!!! You popped up in my Google Reader again!!! I always love your show notes. They are so thorough.
Is there a link for the vanilla extract? It sounds like a great project for next year.
Thank you,
As always, an excellent episode. Thanks Paula and Bronwyn! The word I can never seem to remember is "pedantic." I always have a general sense of what it means, but not really. I have looked it up many times, and will probably look it up many more. I also bought a pomegranate, the first in at least a decade, and look forward to an adventure with it tomorrow! Thanks for encouraging me to push my envelope ;)
Gwenn (Pengwenn)
Hello Paula,
Yes....another wonderful episode. Loved listening while wrapping presents! I've particularly enjoyed your "word" discussion and thought I'd share a very helpful and fun resource. I'm a homeschooling mother and am always on the look-out for these helpful things. A brother and sister trying to study for exams came up with creative word cards with pictures designed to jog the memory for the meaning. Here's the link: www.marieswords,com Have a Merry Christmas!
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