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Pipeliner Notes
From Dayartist who is Jennie
This is for the listener who wrote in with the question about finding projects for yarns already in possession. Something I’ve done is to knit a swatch of the yarn first in order to find a gauge that I like with the particular yarn. Then I use the advanced pattern search, and scroll down to (or jump to) the More Search Options box, and click Gauge 4 inch. Enter your gauge, or a gauge range, and you can find patterns that will match.
From GramCyn
HI Paula and everyone,
I always enjoy your podcasts. Rarely get to the forums but need to comment on the issue of using different weight yarns than patterns call for. Sarah Peasely addresses this in her Craftsy class, Getting Gauge, toward the end. You will learn how to alter the pattern for use of a different weight yarn by using a little math. I have the good fortune to live in the same locale as she does so have taken several classes with her one of which is getting gauge. Check it out. Cindy
Nature Notes
Dendrophile=a person who loves trees. (Posted in the Prairie Girls Knit and Spin Podcast group.)
From PrairiePoet
I too enjoyed the nature notes about special trees. Growing up further west (in Nebraska) we have fewer trees. I remember visiting a local apple orchard when I was a child and thinking it a magical place. The trees grew in rows and they produced such tasty crisp apples. I was also reminded of Willa Cather’s passage in My Antonia about how few trees there were on the prairie. The early white settlers visited the few trees and felt anxious about them because they were so few and far between. Of course, Cather’s words are much more beautiful than mine but your nature notes brought the passage to mind.
From Muddy Moose
I always enjoy your nature notes segment and this episode was no different. Growing up in Alaska, we don’t have a wide variety of trees at all, at least that are native to the area. Mostly spruce and birch trees, not very exciting. I love to see other trees when I travel. It is so neat to see pictures of places in the fall, we have nothing like that here really.
One time when we were out hiking with the kids on a windy day we saw a tree fall in the woods. It was pretty neat, once I realized it wasn’t a bear, and counted all the heads and made sure everyone was accounted for. I had never seen that before, it almost happened in slow motion.
From Tejedora
I always love your nature notes. I grew up in northern Virginia, lived in New York State, and now reside in central Virginia and have always been surrounded by beautiful trees. In New York we had a gorgeous blue Spruce in our backyard and a lilac tree that filled the yard with a wonderful scent. In Virginia we have tall pines and some very large oak trees. I have always loved the oak even after a huge White Oak fell on our house last year during a storm and did quite a bit of damage. While we didn’t see it fall we heard the slow creaking as it came toward and landed on our roof. Everything is repaired now and I still love the remaining oaks.
I’m a continental knitter too and am working to standardize my purl stitches as well. It’s an uphill battle.
Thanks, Paula, I look forward to your podcasts.
from Aizome
One of my favorite trees while living in Japan, was the gingko tree. They turn gold the first week of December. It was breathtaking to see entire avenues lined with golden trees. DD2 would gather up a bundle of these mini golden fans, tie them together with some string and bring them home from kindergarten.
When we travel to California to visit family, we always admire the almond trees. They’re planted in such a way that no matter what angle you look at them from, the rows are soldier straight, whether one is looking at them at a 90 degree angle, 60 degree, 45 degree, 30 degree angle, etc. It’s really amazing how they are lined up.
From JoAnna Spring
This episode was such a delight!! The whirlygigs on maple trees are called samaras. I remember this because, as soon as we learned the name in dendrology class, half the girls determined right then and there that Samara would be the name of their first daughter. (20 years later, however, I haven’t seen any birth announcements with the name…)
I hope your summer has been wonderful! Thank you, so, so much for sharing your tree stories with us.
Needle Notes
At Quince & Co all our wool yarns are 100% grown, processed,
spun, dyed, twisted, and labeled here in the USA. Our natural fibers wool, linen, alpaca, and
mohair are not chemically treated or mixed with petrochemical fibers such as
nylon. Enjoy springy goodness in your knitting with
Knitcircus celebrates
fun, a passion for knitting, and the delight of beautiful yarn.

Treat yourself to a gorgeous, hand-dyed, gradient yarn in
saturated colors with smooth color transitions throughout the skein. We are
hosting a Pick Your Gradient Shawl KAL in August and September.
Knitting Pipeline is a Craftsy Affiliate. Please use the
link in the sidebar before visiting Craftsy to purchase supplies or classes.
Thank you!
You can find me on Ravelry as PrairiePiper and on Instagram
as KnittingPipeline. There are two groups on Ravelry, Knitting Pipeline and
Knitting Pipeline Retreats. Come join us there!
You can also find me here:
Pipeliner Notes
From Dayartist who is Jennie
This is for the listener who wrote in with the question about finding projects for yarns already in possession. Something I’ve done is to knit a swatch of the yarn first in order to find a gauge that I like with the particular yarn. Then I use the advanced pattern search, and scroll down to (or jump to) the More Search Options box, and click Gauge 4 inch. Enter your gauge, or a gauge range, and you can find patterns that will match.
From GramCyn
HI Paula and everyone,
I always enjoy your podcasts. Rarely get to the forums but need to comment on the issue of using different weight yarns than patterns call for. Sarah Peasely addresses this in her Craftsy class, Getting Gauge, toward the end. You will learn how to alter the pattern for use of a different weight yarn by using a little math. I have the good fortune to live in the same locale as she does so have taken several classes with her one of which is getting gauge. Check it out. Cindy
Pipeline Ravellenics Team! Lead by TheaMidnight. Thank you, Thea!
KnitCircus Shawl KAL Pick a Shawl KAL
Upcoming Retreats…(Registration
not yet open)
Washington IL Retreat Feb 17-18, 2017 (Fri 2 PM to Sat 4 PM)
Georgia Retreat April 2-6, 2017 (Sunday to Wednesday)
Nature Notes
Dendrophile=a person who loves trees. (Posted in the Prairie Girls Knit and Spin Podcast group.)
From PrairiePoet
I too enjoyed the nature notes about special trees. Growing up further west (in Nebraska) we have fewer trees. I remember visiting a local apple orchard when I was a child and thinking it a magical place. The trees grew in rows and they produced such tasty crisp apples. I was also reminded of Willa Cather’s passage in My Antonia about how few trees there were on the prairie. The early white settlers visited the few trees and felt anxious about them because they were so few and far between. Of course, Cather’s words are much more beautiful than mine but your nature notes brought the passage to mind.
From Muddy Moose
I always enjoy your nature notes segment and this episode was no different. Growing up in Alaska, we don’t have a wide variety of trees at all, at least that are native to the area. Mostly spruce and birch trees, not very exciting. I love to see other trees when I travel. It is so neat to see pictures of places in the fall, we have nothing like that here really.
One time when we were out hiking with the kids on a windy day we saw a tree fall in the woods. It was pretty neat, once I realized it wasn’t a bear, and counted all the heads and made sure everyone was accounted for. I had never seen that before, it almost happened in slow motion.
From Tejedora
I always love your nature notes. I grew up in northern Virginia, lived in New York State, and now reside in central Virginia and have always been surrounded by beautiful trees. In New York we had a gorgeous blue Spruce in our backyard and a lilac tree that filled the yard with a wonderful scent. In Virginia we have tall pines and some very large oak trees. I have always loved the oak even after a huge White Oak fell on our house last year during a storm and did quite a bit of damage. While we didn’t see it fall we heard the slow creaking as it came toward and landed on our roof. Everything is repaired now and I still love the remaining oaks.
I’m a continental knitter too and am working to standardize my purl stitches as well. It’s an uphill battle.
Thanks, Paula, I look forward to your podcasts.
from Aizome
One of my favorite trees while living in Japan, was the gingko tree. They turn gold the first week of December. It was breathtaking to see entire avenues lined with golden trees. DD2 would gather up a bundle of these mini golden fans, tie them together with some string and bring them home from kindergarten.
When we travel to California to visit family, we always admire the almond trees. They’re planted in such a way that no matter what angle you look at them from, the rows are soldier straight, whether one is looking at them at a 90 degree angle, 60 degree, 45 degree, 30 degree angle, etc. It’s really amazing how they are lined up.
From JoAnna Spring
This episode was such a delight!! The whirlygigs on maple trees are called samaras. I remember this because, as soon as we learned the name in dendrology class, half the girls determined right then and there that Samara would be the name of their first daughter. (20 years later, however, I haven’t seen any birth announcements with the name…)
I hope your summer has been wonderful! Thank you, so, so much for sharing your tree stories with us.
Needle Notes
Amulet Shawl by
Helen Stewart
in the Long Grass Merino Silk (gift from Helen)
Georgia Merino Silk Fine (gift from Missy)
Beads from Gilding
I used crochet hook method. I like beads but not too many.
Men’s Socks-size 12
HGL Sock Artax
I used Knit Picks Shine Worsted in Serrano colorway. 165
Bebe wearing her Lemon Chiffon.
Bebe wearing her Lemon Chiffon.
Have a great week, haste ye back and hold your knitting
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