We have a winner from November's No-Purl Contest! Nancy McCarroll! Congratulations! Nancy has won 3 patterns of her choice from Rose Beck at Rosy Posy Designs.
Nature Notes
It is cold here (22 degrees F.) The deer are moving through the woods. Shawl Style
Shawls mentioned in this segment are Pi Shawl by Elizabeth Zimmermann, Stonington Shawl by Elizabeth Zimmermann, and a pattern from Knitting World Magazine, Oak Leaf and Acorn Shawl by Linda Carlson.
Susan is the model for the shawl photos.
Susan models The Swallowtail. Point over the shoulder. Tied loosely. |
Ishbel with point of shawl in front and tails wrapped around back and to the front. |
When shawls have long tails, you can tie a loose knot in the front. |
Brandywine Shawl with point on the side and secured with a shawl pin. |
Small shawls and scarves hanging in my closet. |
Wool from Quince & Co! |
Product Notes
Quince & Co produces yarn from U.S. raised sheep. The wool is spun in an historic mill. There is currently only one retail store, Knitwit in Portland ME.
Enter the Quince and Co. Knitting Pipeline giveaway by leaving a comment here! The prize is a scarf pattern from their site (your choice) and the wool to make the scarf! The winner will be announced on December 17th, 2010. Please leave an email, Ravelry ID, or blog name where I can reach you.
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The music is from this album from Magnatune. The tune is a collection of traditional carols: Sans Day Carol, Sussex Carol, and Deck the Halls. Performed by James Edwards. |
All Performances are sold out.
In fact, it is time for me to start thinking about getting ready for tonight's performance!
I have been wanting to knit with quince and Co. for a while. I am basketballknit on ravelry. I love the podcast.
Thanks for the advice about wearing shawls. It was very timely as I have just finished my first one!
You made the Quince & Co. yarn sound so lovely that I was placing my first order before the sound of your music had faded away. :)
Love the advice! Great shawls! I have two on the needles at the moment!
I am KnittingAmber on Ravelry :)
Just listened to your podcast. I really appreciate the encouragement you offer. Thank you. As for the contest, I would love to win yarn and a pattern. This would be a great Christmas give for me.
Love your pics, especially the one of your small shawls lined up on hangers! One different thing I've done with a smaller triangular worsted weight shawl is to add I-cord ties to the 2 front points and put pretty handmade glass beads on the bottoms of each the tie to weight them down a little and add interest. When I wear the shawl, I just tie the ties in a square knot and my shawl stays put all day.
I love listening to your show, I've been listening for several months. I've knitted only knitted one shawl and didn't like how it turned out. I'm trying to work up the courage to try again. I'm into sweaters and socks currently.
I also wanted to comment on your segment about comments. Some individuals have difficulty leaving comments even if they have an identity because you have the comment box embedded. It is a problem that blogger/google knows about but won't fix. There are several browsers that don't allow users to comment on blogs with embedded comments. I have to open my secondary browser because my primary won't allow me to leave comments. The box that lets users pick a profile to login with is completely blank if I use my primary one, which means I have to really want to leave a comment because I first go to a site with my primary browser and realize I can't leave a comment.
Hi Paula,
Another great episode! And what a great giveaway! Thanks to you and Quince Co. for this terrific prize. Keeping my fingers crossed (which makes knitting challenging :) ).
Wow, to have so many shawls. I have not done a nice lace project yet. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love your shawl collection, all ready and waiting to be worn!
I would love to win some Quince and Co. yarn as I have been interested in trying some. THank you!
I'm MicheleinMaine on Ravelry.
Your shawls/shawlettes are very pretty, Paula.
I've only knitted two shawls and haven't worn either one (yet). However, with the weather "finally" getting cold, my "198 Yards of Heaven" will make a nice neckwarmer.
My Ravelry ID is jackiepknits
Excellent podcast as always - I've been looking forward to hear it all week. I would love to try the Quince and co. yarn!
Christina from Denmark
There is a sweater pattern on Quince and co. that I have been wanting ever since I saw it!
I am yoopergirl on Ravelry.
Please enter me in the Quince and Co. contest. I love having local wool to knit with.
AuntGerry on Ravelry
I would love Quince and Co yarn too! I just found your blog and can't wait to listen to your podcasts.
kgmama on Ravlery
Thanks for another great podcast - I love the practical ideas for wearing shawls. The Quince and Co. yarn looks lovely!
I have worn a shawl for many years. When I lived on the east coast I wore my shawl under my coat. It kept my neck warm as I stood waiting for the bus for work. Now I wear a small shawl everywhere. It's just the right amount of warmth.
Yes, I'm in Arizona now, but air conditioning is never the right temperature in stores.
Thanks for your wonderful podcast!
Thanks for all the advice about shawls. I wear mine all year too, I don't have to shiver in air conditioning all summer when I bring one along!
Your shawls are beautiful and inspiring. Thanks so much for your podcast.
Sandy L
I love shawls - I do have a favorite one that I wear a lot. There's another one I made a couple months ago that is a little thicker and warmer so it will be perfect for my family visit to the midwest at Christmas time.
Your shawls are beautiful and inspirational, as is your Podcast! Would love to try the Quince & Co. yarn and pattern.
What a great shawl primer! I love the way you store your shawls. I am just getting into making them and you provided great ideas! Thanks!
I really enjoyed the podcast....I am going to forward a link to my knitting group- they love shawls and will love it too.
I would love to win the yarn & pattern- that would be so exciting!!!
I am luv2stch on ravelry.
Thank you, Paula, for featuring some of my shawl designs. And congratulations to Nancy! Happy knitting!
Paula, I love seeing these pictures on the blog! I did joing the 10 Shawls in 2010. Four of those will be Christmas gifts and the rest I wear. I like wearing the lacy shawlettes with business suits, very much like your photos. But I also wear them with jeans and a turtleneck. Actually, I was a bit hesitant to wear my first lace shawl, but once I started wearing the shawls, I wanted to wear them all the time! I have one shawl that is "misbehaving" so it is in the timeout pile. I have several more shawls, at everything from laceweight to worsted weight, queued up for post-holiday knitting.
I am not confident in wearing shawls, but there are so many beautiful ones that I think I may have to start knitting them anyway!
Great show, Paula!
FrazzleDazzle on Ravelry
Paula, I finished my first sweater with Quince's Osprey, and am completely addicted to their yarn! I am going to give you some good competition for the title of Quince's best customer :)
Oops, that's me above--edgeworthnyc on ravelry.
Hi Paula,
I am a new knitter and enjoy listening to your podcast. I also think your piping outfit is very cute. You have my permission to choose me for the Quince pattern and yarn--I need all the help I can get! I think your Thanksgiving pictues are great. Your family and home are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Your Ravelry friend, sparker29
I've never knitted a shawl but you have inspired me to put one on my project list. Enjoyed the tips on the different styles and how to wear them.
So glad you are supporting Quince & Co. yarn. It is so encouraging to see another environmentally aware and community oriented yarn company in the market. And their colors are gorgeous. I think some Quince & Co yarn is going to be on my list to Santa!
tululou on Ravelry
I love the picture of your beautiful shawls hanging in your closet! I would love to be entered in this month's contest! I have been lurking on the Quince & Co. site for awhile and would love to knit up this yarn!
jpeled on ravelry
Beautiful shawls! Nice job!
I have been drooling over the Quince & Co yarn since it came out. I would love to win this contest. Even if I don't, I am a winner because I get to enjoy listening to your wonderful podcast. I was never interested in shawls before, but have knit 3 for gifts this year! Thanks for the nudge. I am Mcknits on ravelry.
I loved the shawl episode with the holiday music. Thanks for the review of the Quince and Co. Yarns, I've been tempted and now you have pushed me over the edge!
blh on Ravelry
You are now officially myfavourite podcast!how about a shawl kal..? Maybe out of quince and co?Lacemaven
I continue to love listening to your show. I always love your shawls and liked that you talked a bit about them in your latest podcast.
Also....would love to win the Quince yarn and pattern: Rav name: joyceetta
Quince & Co looks like such lovely yarn! glad to learn about the giveaway via your wonderful podcast.
lizabeth on ravelry.
Hello Paula! Thank you for the podcast. I'm a new listener and I appreciate your soothing beautiful music and meaningful talk. I would LOVE to win the Quince and Co. yarn and pattern...Christmas present to me!
I've never knit a shawl but have been toying with the idea of a poncho. I'm 47 and my daughters (26-21-16)wrinkle their noses at me. Is this a hippie idea? I guess it's not as elegant as a shawl, but I still snuggle a 3 yr. old around here. I'd love it if you would comment on ponchos...in or out?
Hi Paula, your podcast, as always, was a delight. I love shawls and finished my first (multnomah) a few months ago and have another on the needles. I LOVE it. Made from DK multi colored hand dyed, it goes with everything. I bought Romi's 7 shawls ebook and will start in January. Happy holidays!! SonomaKnits
I have been knitting each of the "Seven Small Shawls to Knit" by Rosemary Hill, but as of yet, have not worn them. Have tried them on with my raggedy sweat shirts and unkempt hairdo, and the look is far from glamourus.
Paula - well done! I wear all my knitted shawls, and hope that the many shawls I have gifted to friends and family are also well worn and well loved!
From Outofthisworld on Ravelry (explanation: I live in Mars, PA!)
Tusinde tak for et dejligt podcast. Glaedelig Jul.
AnneLena on Ravelry
What a wonderful prize. :) I really enjoy your podcast
What a fun offer! I was riding a chairlift at a ski resort while listening to your podcast and couldn't wait to get back to the house to see Quince online! Put my name in the pot! I'm cindikbrown on Ravelry.
I concur, I hope wearing lace shawls doesn't become too popular or trendy!
Your podcast is always so enjoyable. I smile, nod and laugh aloud, drawing a few funny looks from those around me. Thanks Paula!
ps - hope the concerts all went well.
I just checked out the Quince & Co. website. I love the clean classic design of it. It feels uncluttered and inviting. I am going to have to try their yarns one day soon. Love the colors! Of course winning some of their yarn would be great too:)
What a generous offer from Quince & Co! It would be wonderful to win :-).
Loved the shawl podcast. I'm smitten with shawls myself. Right now, we're working on a prayer shawl for a friend going through chemo with Quince yarn. I LOVE the Osprey yarn, and Pam from Quince yarn was dear to work with. I'm also partial to it because it is local here in Portland. I think it is a great value!
Paula, thanks for the great inspiration about how to wear the shawls. Great podcast as always. And thank you for the giveaway - I would love the try that yarn!
Paula, another great podcast. I really enjoy your insights. The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for introducing me to Quince and Co. Their website is lovely and the patterns inspiring. I especially love the Kilkenny Cowl in Chickadee..
I was lucky to squish Paula's new Quince & Co. yarn myself. The colors are so rich and lovely. It's a good thing wool is absorbent. I don't think Paula saw me drool all over her yarn! Thanks for putting this new company on my radar!
Quince & Co. looks like a great new yarn company, I'm just wondering what lucky New England town was so lucky to have them buy their mill!
Thanks for the review of the Quince and co yarn. I receive thier newsletter, but haven't ordered because I haven't heard anything about thier yarn. I will be placing an order soon to knit a shawl.
What a fun episode! I love knitting shawls,too, and can't wait to get these few Christmas knits done so I can cast a new shawl on. I am interested in the Quince and Co yarn and enjoyed the IK article as well. I must go check them out online. I am "Dawna" on Ravelry.(As well as in real life).
I like the pic of your shawls hanging in your closet! And I love listening to your podcast when I'm out walking and dreaming about knitting!
Take care, Deb
All knitters LOVE shawls! And likewise, I LOVED your episode on shawls. That was very gracious of your model to step into the photos, too!
I've just recently found your podcast and love it! I still have a few more to listen to and I'll be caught up. Thanks for your hard work. I'm really enjoying listening.
Great podcast. I love your advice on wearing shawls.
Hey, such a great opportunity from Quince! I loved Pam Allen's work on Interweave Knits, and was thrilled to learn she was getting into the yarn business directly. I'd love the chance to try out some Quince & Co–
(I've used my Ravelry ID as my name here)
I love your podcast esp. your review of Quince & Co.!
My Ravelry ID is: Kent
I have knit one rectangular stole, and have a shawl on my needles. I will knit more in the future, so I appreciate hearing and seeing the pictures about how to wear them. The Quince & Co. yarn looks wonderful!
My ravelry id is dpeach.
Thanks for the podcast!
Love your podcast! I also saw Quince & Co. in the latest IK issue. Funny, I was just going to look up their website today when I was listening to your podcast and heard you talking about them as well. Thanks also for the info on shawls! Love it!
Do you think the Quince folks would do a cowl instead of scarf?
Looking forward to listening to this podcast! I find the small shawls so much more wearable than the large shawls (and faster to knit!). I really enjoy hearing about and seeing the shawls you've made. Happy Holidays, Paula and thanks for all your work on the podcast.
kathyknits on Ravelry
I want to win!
patternwhisperer on ravelry
I enjoyed your advice on shawls. I am hoping to start knitting one after the holidays. The yarns from Quince & Co. are beautiful!
Hi Paula: I love your podcast. I am knitting my first shawl due to listening to you. The Quince yarn sounds terrific.
I love the podcast--keep up the great work! Please enter me into the awesome drawing.
Thank you,
(Wendeluu on Ravelry)
Paula, I love your pictorial and thoughts on the wearing of scarfs, I find it very informative. :) Thank you Quince and Co. for your very generous contest, I'd l.o.v.e. to win. :)
Thank you,
(llmcguire on Ravelry)
Great episode on shawls!! One of my favorite things to knit. And your Swallowtail is gorgeous! I love that pattern and in that color it's really stunning.
Thank you for the podcast - I really enjoy it - and for the opportunity to win some Quince. It looks lovely... I think I'll wonder on over to their site now and take a peek.
Take care.
Hi Paula,
Thanks so much for your podcast. I really enjoy. The turkey stories brought back a lot of memories of the turkey that adopted our house. Unfortunately, our turkey wasn't as well behaved and we had to contact the DNR to come and capture it because it wouldn't let people out of their cars and if the garage door was open, it would walk right in.
Anyway, I too love shawls and very much enjoyed this podcast. I wear them all the time. I also enjoyed hearing about Quince yarn. I am going to go check them out now.
I am HeatherD on Ravelry.
Thanks, Heather
I found your podcast through a link at the Quince & Co Ravelry group and am really glad I found it :)) I am adding it to my favourites right now !
I am awaiting my first order of Quince & Co and am really anxious to start knitting with their yarns. So yes, I would love to particapate in the give away,
I am blackbun on Raverlry
Your photos' are just wonderful. Like Marianne I am currently trying to be patient with the postal service.
Really stoked to see what this yarn can do.
Ravelry: Moontan
Hi Paula,
I too, loved the article in Interweave about Pam Allen's new yarn company. I drive by Portland on my way to visit my father in Maine - I'll have to stop in to the flagship store!
Enjoyed your comments on various ways to wear shawls. I'm a shawl wearer too!
I love the shawls and your podcast. I think I shawl knit-a-long would be such fun.
I second the vote for a shawl knit-a-long after the holidays.
Thanks for putting out such a lovely podcast!!
Carla aka 1to1
Thanks Paula for introducing me to Quince and Co. You're right that the colors are beautiful. I hope you hear your take on how it knits up!
If you do pick a sweater for the knit-along, I'd love to join. I'm an equal-opportunity knitter but sweater tickle that soft spot in my heart!
Thank you for posting pictures of how you wear your shawls. Now I can use your blog as a reference when my friends receive their birthday shawls.
Love your podcast. I have listened to every one.
Resorta on Ravelry
The shawl pics are great... I'm always looking for new ways to wear all the great patterns I keep seeing. I made a Summit as well, and I have been wearing it almost as an oversized scarf. Keep the great content coming!
Another great show. I am making my second shawl and love it. Your suggestions on how to wear them are very helpful. I also read the article about Quince and Co. and plan to make some yarn purchases myself.
Paula, I love hearing about your shawls. I am mostly knitting shawls these days and you've given me some great pattern ideas.
I'd love some Quince!
Another great episode. I do love knitting shawls. Someday I hope I will keep more than I give away. Happy Holidays.
knittinglady54 on ravelry
I am inspired by the pictures that I am thinking I might knit a shawl after the holidays. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and storage ideas. Love the show.
how lovely of both you and Quince! Of course I'd love the yarn -- I'm MaryjoO on Ravelry
I am in love with Quince & I'd love to try some more of their yarn. Missed you on your week off, but it's good to have you back. I'm nservant on Ravelry.
great episode, would love to try that yarn, have yet to fondle it...
Did you Quince say that Quince had a say Portland, Maine- a little more than an hour away!!!
I loved the shawl episode, especially the different ideas on ways to wear them! I'm off to Quince & Co.
Thanks for this opportunity to try Quince & Co. They have a great reputation, and it would be fun to try their wool.
cozyknitting on ravelry
I would love to win some quince and co yarn. thanks for the discussion on how to wear shawls.
Hello Paula
I do so love to listen to your gentle podcast, it is a little haven for me. I live in the West Australian forest and am surrounded by a myriad of birds and animals and rather large insects too. I can therefore relate to your nature stories segment which is very enjoyable. At the moment there are a few kangaroos outside lying around in the orchard eating green plums which are a favourite of theirs. I love to knit and am learning to spin too. The Quince & Co yarn looks lovely - I hope you enjoy knitting with it. So, thank you for a very special podcast.
Thanks for an othergood podcast! I really love your choice of music. I've been knitting shawl for a little wile but i'm no way near the number of shawl you have!
Have a good day
Loved this episode - I loved your descriptions of this yarn and I could really feel your "love" come through the podcast!
Hi Paula! I'm a shawl lover, too, but my collection isn't quite as full of loveliness as yours. I wear mine as much as I can - it makes me feel so cool and unique. I'm in a small central Illinois town, too. I enjoy hearing a voice from nearby, like a phone call from the next county over.
I'm going to go check out your queue now for project ideas...
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Paula,
I love your podcast, you have such a calming voice.
I shall go check out the Quince and Co yarn. The yarn sounds wonderful and I trust your judgment.
Thank you,
recently found your podcast and listen to it faithfully. wonderful content, informative and pleasant to listen to. the quince&co. yarn magnificent and i will be certainly revisiting the site often. thanks again.
Thanks for making a long car ride not so boring!
Also read the Quince article and am VERY intrigued.
Thanks for your fun podcasts!
The Quince yarn looks lovely. I also have too much fingering wieght and could use some DK. Thanks for a great podcast!
Love the podcast Paula. I'm going to go look at the Quince website now.
Paula, thanks for a great episode on shawls. I second the encouragement that you gave to folks who are hesitant to wear their shawls (or other handknit items). I've been lusting after Quince & company yarn since they were founded, but have been on a yarn diet so haven't bought any yet. Their colors are beautiful and their patterns are lovely. Winning yarn and pattern would be a wonderful way to start the new year. My Ravelry name is Choosejoy. Thanks!
Love your podcast, Paula. I tend to listen to it twice: the first when I have insomnia in the middle of the night, during which I am often lulled back to sleep. Then I pick up and listen again the next day on my drive to work, so I can actually remember what you said. My Ravelry name is PostLeslie.
Cheers, LR
awesome podcast! love it! thank you so much
I'd love to win enough yarn to knit a scarf/shawl during my seminary class. I love knitting and wearing scraves and small shawls in MN winters.
(My ravelry name is cibola).
Great podcast as always, Paula. I was intrigued with Quince and Company when I saw it in Interweave Knits as well. I will need to check out their website. I am LisaInND on Ravelry!
You have very quickly become my favorite podcaster. Don't change a thing!
Lovely shawls, and beautifully modeled. I would love to try the Quince and Co. yarn. It looks so beautiful.
Thanks for bringing the discussion of shawl-wearing to the podcast. I'm another one who loves to knit them but has trouble inventing ways to wear them. Thanks too for sharing the Quince & Co discovery and the give-away contest too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
I really enjoyed your podcast on the shawls too! I have never seen anyone wearing them but like them a lot! I have only knit one so far for my stepmom and plan on making one for me next! Love how you have them hanging in your closet.
You are so right about the wonderful service and gorgeous yarn from Quince & Co! I have used their yarns and am so pleased with the quality and the company overall.
Thank you Paula and Quince & Co for this wonderful giveaway, and thank you Paula for such a great podcast. I look forward to it every week!
Great episode! I like how you hang the small shawls, but unfortunately don't have much hanging space. Most of mine go in drawers.
I think small triangular shawls are the easiest type to wear, and I usually either wear them with the point over one shoulder, or just wrapped around my neck like a scarf.
I love all your episodes. I knitted one shawl and made lots of mistakes but, you are right you can wear it and no one sees the errors. I am proud of it and glad I tried. Your show encouraged me to try another shawl. Happy Knitting Karen
I so enjoy your podcasts. This has been my year of knitting shawls. I love wearing them, usually around my neck. I've found I have fewer problems with my neck since I started wearing the shawls.
Thanks for pointing us to a new American based company. Like you I love the yarn names.
I love your podcast and would love to try Quince yarns. Here in Northern CA it's not very cold, but a shawl worn scarf-like around your neck is just right. I also like all the questions about knitting that wearing shawls seems to engender!
Thanks for the Quince drawing...I'd love to try a new yearn.
Laura S.
gramknits on Ravelry
Good thing the holidays are coming up. Quince yarn looks like a great idea!!
aahoward on Rav
Quince & Co pattern and yarn would be greatly appreciated here in Hawaii. I'm TMYinHNL and my email is jeremiah1300@mac.com
Love the idea! And thanks for the intro to Quince yarn, I'm just starting out lace knitting and would really love to work with some nice wool. I'm debcquilts in Ravelry.
Hi Paula, I've been enjoying your podcasts. Please add me to the Quince and Company drawing. I'm NancyM09 in Ravelry.
ooh a contest! count me in!
I loved this episode. Thank you for the great hints on wearing shawls. Now, if I just lived somewhere colder I might wear them more often. Sigh!
my ravelry user name is ineedcoffee
Your descriptions and photos of all the pretty quince colors have birghtened up the gray doldrums of my workday! I can't wait to meet you at the CampKIP retreat!!!
Rachel aka Roue
Glad to hear about the ways you wear your shawls. I always felt that they weren't for me but maybe I can wear them after all.
Julie B (annejeneer on Ravelry)
I have just entered the fabulous world of wearing shawls. I have to wear a uniform white jacket at work, so I have really started looking at fingering weight round-ish shawls that I can wear under the jacket. Thanks for talking about wearing the shawls and keep up the great podcasting! Also, thanks for providing the possibility to try out this fantastic yarn!
I am a long-time knitter, but haven't knit many shawls because I didn't know how to wear them! I just love all your tips. EZ's Pi Shawl was my first one...it is full of "character" but I love it anyway because I used the softest merino wool. Knitting that shawl was very, very relaxing!
Thanks again for the shawl tips!
Thanks for the wonderful podcast, I've been listening since you started. I so enjoy it! I am so impressed with your shawls it makes me want to go finish the only lace shawl I've ever attempted, lol!
Just now learning about & catching up on your podcast - enjoying every minute of it, although significant additions to my queue are making me a bit scattered ;-)
Have been resisting ordering the Quince yarns due to current stash, but if I win some, it doesn't count as stash, right? heehee
I just wanted to check back in and say either blogger/blogspot changed something or the new version of Firefox was changed because I no longer have problems commenting on your blog or any other blog.
Thank you for your insights on wearing shawls. This just gave me the urge to bring back my weekly online clothes shopping.
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